Projects completed during 2025

Abodo DOC200s Shipped!!

This has been our biggest environmental order and has proven fairly challenging. The customer wanted these 100 mustelid traps specifically made using their product and installed in their supplier’s forest in Hawkes Bay.
We had to take extra care laminating the boards together and avoiding splitting the timber especially on the lids where we traditionally use plywood. The treatment used by Abodo Wood Ltd is commercially sensitive so we’re hoping the long-term performance in the forest will be OK.
A test of our adaptability!

Busy board for Middlemore Hospital

The first community project off the block for 2025 is a combined busy board and tactile board mounted on a common base. Each board can be lifted from the base and laid flat on a table when required. The boards are for the Rehabilitation ward at Middlemore Hospital.
Built by our very own " MR DO IT " Roger Van Kuylenburg.

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday 9am - 12 noon, Tuesday 9am - 3pm

Contact us

Email: [email protected]
Landline: 09 880 9800
Address: Waiatarua Reserve, 98 Abbotts Way, Remuera, Auckland 1050, New Zealand