What we do

Our purpose is to Sustain or Enhance Members' Mental Health and Wellbeing.

We achieve this by developing and sustaining a workshop where members use and share their skills, on both community and personal projects.

These facilities are being continuously improved, for the benefit of both current and future members.

Opening hours

Tuesday 9am - 3pm, Wednesday to Saturday 9am - 12 noon.

Hear us sing -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD7U0ODdeO8


Most of our members are retired men.
There are now thousands of Mens Sheds globally.
They were created to give retired men a place to go after retirement to share their skills, enjoy the camaraderie and interact with the community.

We are open for anyone over 20 years old to participate in personal or community projects. Even if they are more interested in the social side of our group than the workshop.
Visit our "Join" page to investigate joining.

Our projects

Since we started in 2016 our members have contributed volunteer time towards projects for many community organizations. Including schools, business associations, churches, and local theatrical societies. 
Visit our MSAE  Project page to see some examples of the projects we have been involved in.

Our funders and sponsors

We thank all MSAE funders and sponsors.
Their support enables us to continue our efforts to help our local community, improve our facility and build a first-class community asset into the future.


Contact us

Email: [email protected]

Landline: 09 880 9800

Address: Waiatarua Reserve, 98 Abbotts Way, Remuera, Auckland 1050, New Zealand